Brand Marketing

What Is Brand Marketing: Definition, Importance And Goals

March 17, 2023
min read

If you're a business owner or a marketer, you may have heard the terms "branding" and "brand marketing" used interchangeably. While these concepts are closely related, it is important to understand the distinction between them.

Branding is the process of creating a unique identity and image for a company or product, while brand marketing is the promotion of that identity and image through advertising and other marketing efforts.

Still, there is more to these concepts than this distinction.

So, in this blog, we'll address the differences between branding and brand marketing and delve into the definition, importance, and goals of brand marketing.

What is branding?

Branding is the process of creating a name and a positive perception for a new business. It's a descriptive way to let consumers know what your business is about and what you do. Branding is also a way to apply consistency across multiple platforms. This is done by creating a distinct visual identity via your website, logo, social media, tone of voice, or even email signature.

However, it isn’t limited to only what is visible. Branding also consists of creating a stellar experience through customer service, high-quality products, and adapting to user needs.

Ultimately, branding helps in establishing an identity and story that is representative of your product or service. It is the first step in creating the user experience people expect from your business.

A great example of branding done right is McDonald's.

The fast food giant has a strong and consistent brand identity that is recognized around the world. From their iconic golden arches logo and red and yellow colour scheme to their special menu and distinctive packaging, everything about McDonald's is instantly recognizable.

The company has effectively leveraged their brand to become a household name and a leader in the fast food industry. Whether it's through their in-store experiences or their delivery and website presence, McDonald's consistently delivers a consistent and memorable brand experience to customers.

What is brand marketing?

Brand marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on the building of businesses through marketing activities. It helps in creating awareness of the company and then building a relationship with its customers.

These activities can be grouped into four categories:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion
  • Loyalty

The goal of brand marketing is to draw attention to the brand as a whole instead of simply concentrating on individual products or collections. These efforts contribute towards increasing the brand’s value and ultimately, the company as a whole.

Additionally, there are plenty of channels at your disposal, including digital marketing, social media marketing, and organic and paid search advertising. A smart approach is to use these channels in conjunction to create a media mix that helps your business reach a broad target audience.

For example, to increase brand awareness and reach your target audience across platforms, you may heavily rely on content marketing and accompany these efforts with social media ads. However, you must consider your brand attributes (such as logo, name, vision, and USP) when determining the message you want to convey to your audience on these platforms.

Source : Nike Instagram

The perfect example of brand marketing done right is Nike. Why?

Nike is known for creating engaging and inspiring social media content featuring real athletes. By using real athletes to showcase their products, they position themselves as the top choice for sportspeople and fitness enthusiasts.

For example, Nike regularly posts videos on their social media channels featuring top athletes such as Serena Williams and Cristiano Ronaldo training and competing in their Nike gear. These videos not only showcase the high-quality and performance of Nike products but also inspire and motivate their audience to pursue their own athletic goals.

Branding vs. Marketing: Understanding the difference

When it comes to building and promoting a successful business, branding and marketing are two key considerations. But what's the difference between these two concepts?

Here's a breakdown:


  • The process of creating a unique identity and image for a company or product
  • Includes elements like a logo, branding guidelines, and a brand voice
  • Helps establish a company's reputation and differentiate it from competitors


  • The promotion of a company or product to potential customers
  • Includes activities like advertising, public relations, and social media marketing
  • Helps increase brand awareness and drive sales

While branding and marketing are closely related, they serve different purposes.

Branding is all about creating a distinct identity and image for your business, while marketing is about getting the word out and reaching potential customers.

A strong brand is essential for building trust and loyalty with customers, but it's the marketing efforts that bring those customers in the door.

Both branding and marketing are essential for the success of any business, and a well-crafted brand marketing strategy should consider both elements.

Importance of brand marketing

Below are key points that highlight the importance of brand marketing:

1. Helps build trust and loyalty with customers

Strong branding helps establish your company as a reputable and reliable source of goods or services, which can help build trust with customers and encourage them to continue doing business with you.

2. Differentiates your business from competitors

A well-defined brand identity sets your business apart from others in your industry, making it easier for customers to identify and choose your products or services over those of your competitors.

3. Can drive sales and increase revenue

Effective branding can drive sales by attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. By creating a strong and positive brand image, you can increase customer loyalty and repeat business, which can lead to increased revenue.

4. Enhances your company's reputation and image

A strong brand can enhance your company's reputation and improve its overall image in the eyes of customers and other stakeholders. This can lead to increased credibility and trust, which can be beneficial in attracting new business and partnerships.

5. Promotes consistency in messaging and presentation

By establishing a clear and consistent brand identity, you can ensure that your messaging and presentation are consistently on-brand across all channels and touchpoints. This can help strengthen your brand's presence and make it more recognizable to customers.

6. Creates an emotional connection with customers

Effective branding can create an emotional connection with customers by evoking feelings and associations that are positive and meaningful. This can help foster a strong and lasting relationship with your customers.

7. Helps create a memorable brand experience

A strong brand helps create a memorable and distinctive experience for customers, which can make them more likely to choose your products or services over those of your competitors.

8. Can be a valuable investment in the long-term success of a business

Investing in branding can pay off in the long run by helping your business stand out in a crowded market, attract and retain customers, and ultimately, drive revenue.

9. Can be effectively utilized through social media platforms

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to reach a wide audience and engage with customers in a more personal and interactive way. By leveraging social media as part of your branding strategy, you can effectively reach and connect with your target audience.

10. Can maximize the return on investment through targeted and strategic efforts

By carefully planning and executing a targeted and strategic brand marketing campaign, you can maximize the return on your investment and achieve your business goals. This can include defining your target audience, identifying key messaging and visual elements, and utilizing a variety of channels and tactics to reach and engage your audience.

Goals of brand marketing

When it comes to brand marketing, there are several key goals to consider:

  • Increase brand awareness: One of the primary goals of brand marketing is to increase awareness of your brand among potential customers. This can be achieved through various marketing channels, such as advertising, social media, and content marketing.
  • Build brand loyalty: A loyal customer base is essential for any business, and brand marketing can help establish this loyalty by consistently delivering on the brand's promises and values.
  • Differentiate from competitors: In today's crowded marketplace, it's important to stand out from the competition. Brand marketing can help your business differentiate itself by highlighting your unique selling points and values.
  • Increase sales: Ultimately, the goal of any marketing effort is to drive sales, and brand marketing is no exception. By building brand awareness and loyalty, you can increase your sales and grow your business.
  • Enhance reputation: A strong brand reputation can go a long way in attracting and retaining customers. Brand marketing can help improve your reputation by consistently delivering high-quality products and services and promoting positive brand values.

By focusing on these key goals, you can create a brand marketing strategy that effectively promotes your business and drives results.

Summing up

By focusing on goals like increasing brand awareness, building brand loyalty, and differentiating from competitors, you can create a brand marketing strategy that drives results and helps your business thrive.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to revamp your brand marketing efforts, the key is to understand the importance of branding and how it can benefit your business.

By staying true to your brand values and consistently delivering on your promises, you can build a strong, successful brand that resonates with your audience and drives long-term success.

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