Viral Marketing

Examples of Viral Marketing

March 17, 2023
min read

Viral marketing is an effective way to promote your product or service and gain exposure quickly.

In this article, we will take a look at three businesses and three individuals who have successfully carried out viral marketing campaigns.

From clever social media strategies to viral video campaigns, these examples demonstrate the power of viral marketing and how it can be used to achieve significant results.

Whether you're a small business owner looking to increase brand awareness or an individual trying to build your personal brand, the examples discussed in this article will provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own viral marketing efforts.

So, let's dive in and explore the world of viral marketing through the lens of these successful campaigns.



Uber is a prime example of a company that has effectively utilized viral marketing to scale quickly and grow exponentially. The company's marketing strategy has been built around the idea of leveraging its existing user base to drive new user acquisition, and it has been able to achieve this through a number of different tactics.

One of the most effective tactics Uber used was leveraging social media to create buzz around its service. The company was very active on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, and it used these platforms to engage with users, answer questions, and share promotions and discounts. This helped to create a sense of community around the brand and made it easy for users to share their experiences with friends and family. Additionally, Uber was able to use social media to target specific demographics, such as students and business travelers, which helped to increase its appeal to these groups.

Uber also used a number of other tactics to drive viral growth, including:

  • Partnering with other companies to offer special promotions and discounts to their employees.
  • Creating a sense of exclusivity by only allowing users to request rides via the app rather than over the phone.
  • Offering a unique and distinctive user experience that sets it apart from traditional taxi services.
  • Creating a sense of urgency by promoting limited-time offers and discounts.

Uber also leveraged network effects and app embedding to drive growth.

Network effects refer to the phenomenon where a product or service becomes more valuable as more people use it. In the case of Uber, network effects played a crucial role in the company's growth. As more people used the service, more drivers were incentivized to sign up, which in turn made it easier for users to find rides. This created a positive feedback loop where more users led to more drivers, which led to more users, and so on. This helped Uber quickly build a critical mass of users and drivers, which made it more appealing to new users.

App embedding is another strategy that Uber uses to drive growth. The company integrated its app into other platforms, such as Google Maps and Facebook, making it easy for users to request rides without ever having to leave the platform they were already on. This helped to increase the visibility of the Uber brand and made it more convenient for users to request rides.


All of these tactics helped Uber to quickly scale and grow into one of the most successful companies in the world. The company's ability to leverage these different strategies to drive growth is a testament to the power of viral marketing.


Apple is widely regarded as one of the most successful companies in the world (market cap of over $2 trillion), and a large part of its success can be attributed to its viral marketing strategies. Despite not being as active and conventional as other brands on social media, Apple has been able to create a loyal and devoted customer base by leveraging a number of different tactics to drive viral growth.

One of the key strategies that Apple has used to drive viral growth is creating a sense of exclusivity and prestige around its products. The company has always placed a strong emphasis on design, innovation, and user experience, and this has helped to create a sense of prestige among its customers. Apple products are often seen as a status symbol, and this has helped to create a sense of exclusivity around the brand. This exclusivity has also been reinforced by Apple's pricing strategy, which tends to be higher than its competitors.

Another important strategy that Apple has used to drive viral growth is by creating a sense of community among its users. Apple has always fostered a loyal and dedicated customer base, and this has been achieved through a combination of strong branding, high-quality products, and excellent customer service. Apple customers often feel a sense of pride in owning Apple products, and this sense of community has been strengthened by the company's events, such as the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), where thousands of developers gather to share their experiences and learn about the latest developments in Apple's products.

Additionally, Apple's products are known for their simplicity, elegance, and reliability. Apple has always focused on delivering high-quality, easy-to-use products that are designed to meet the needs of its customers. The company's products are known for their sleek design, and this has helped to create a sense of elegance around the brand. Additionally, Apple products are known for their reliability, which has helped to create a sense of trust among its customers.

Furthermore, Apple's products are designed to work seamlessly with one another, creating a sense of continuity and ease of use. This has made it easy for users to advocate for Apple's products. They can share their experiences and tell their friends and family about how easy and enjoyable it is to use Apple products. This creates a positive feedback loop, where satisfied customers become brand ambassadors, driving more people to purchase Apple products.

Apple's ability to create a strong and differentiated brand that delivers high-quality products, and fosters a sense of community among its users, make it special in the eyes of its customers.

Red Bull

Despite not having the best taste for a drink, Red Bull is the largest energy drink brand with a valuation of about 17 billion euros. The company's marketing strategy has been built around the idea of leveraging extreme sports and adventurous events to drive brand awareness and create a sense of excitement around the brand.

The brand's go-to strategy is to sponsor extreme sports events and athletes. The company has long been associated with extreme sports such as motocross, snowboarding, and skydiving, and it has used this association to create a sense of excitement and adventure around the brand. By sponsoring these events, Red Bull was able to reach a large and engaged audience of sports enthusiasts, and this helped to drive brand awareness and create a sense of excitement around the brand. Additionally, Red Bull also held their own events, such as the Red Bull Flugtag, which is a human-powered flying machine contest, and Red Bull Music Festival, which are designed to showcase the brand's association with adventure and excitement.

The company has been very active on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and it has used these platforms to share exciting content, such as videos of extreme sports and adventurous events, and to engage with its audience. This helped to create a sense of excitement and adventure around the brand, and it made it easy for users to share their experiences with friends and family. Additionally, Red Bull also created their own website where users can find a lot of content and news related to its events and sponsored athletes, which helped to increase its visibility among a specific audience.

These strategies have helped to create a loyal and devoted customer base that advocates for Red Bull, despite not having the best taste.


Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk is a master of viral marketing and has been able to build a massive following by leveraging a number of different tactics to drive viral growth. He is a well-known internet personality, entrepreneur, and CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency. He is best known as the host of "The GaryVee Show," a popular video blog on YouTube and podcast where he shares his insights on business, marketing, and social media.

One of the key strategies that Vaynerchuk has used to drive viral growth is authenticity. He is known for his authenticity and for being genuine in his interactions with his followers. He shares his personal experiences, struggles, and successes with his audience, and this has helped to create a sense of trust and relatability. This has made it easy for his followers to relate to him and to feel a sense of connection with him, which has helped to drive engagement and viral growth.

He is very active on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, where he shares his thoughts, insights, and experiences. This helps to create a sense of community among his followers, and it encourages them to share his content with their friends and family.

He also uses a no-nonsense approach and often uses direct language, which makes him relatable and easy to understand for his followers. He is not afraid to speak his mind, and his followers appreciate his honesty and realness.

Mr. Beast

Mr. Beast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, is a YouTuber, entrepreneur, and philanthropist known for his creativity and ability to create viral content. He is best known for his videos on YouTube, where he creates content that is both entertaining and engaging, and he has amassed a massive following of over 127 million subscribers. He is well-known for his philanthropy and charitable giving, which has helped to increase his popularity and drive viral growth.

His primary strategy to drive viral growth is to create content that is both entertaining and engaging. Mr. Beast's videos are known for their comedic elements and their ability to create a sense of suspense, which makes them highly shareable. Additionally, he is known for his stunts and challenges, which often involve large sums of money, which makes them even more shareable and interesting.

He has donated millions of dollars to various causes, such as funding education and research and helping small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. He has also done large charity campaigns, where he raised millions of dollars for various causes. This has helped to create a sense of goodwill and positivity around his brand, which has helped to drive viral growth.

In addition to that, Mr. Beast also uses a variety of other tactics to drive viral growth, such as collaborating with other popular YouTubers and influencers and using giveaways and contests to incentivize his followers to share his content.

Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is a well-known author, speaker, and sales expert, who has built a large following by leveraging viral marketing strategies. He is the founder and CEO of Cardone Capital, a real estate investment company, and the author of books such as "The 10X Rule," "Be Obsessed or Be Average," and "Sell or Be Sold." He is a popular speaker and has been a keynote speaker at many conferences and events.

Cardone is the author of several bestselling books, which are focused on sales, marketing, and personal development. His books offer practical advice and strategies that can be applied to achieve success in business, sales, and life. He preaches that to be successful in any field; one must have a 10X mindset, meaning to set goals 10 times higher than you think you can achieve and work 10 times harder to achieve them. This message resonates with many people and has helped to drive viral growth.

He is highly active on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, where he shares his thoughts, insights, and experiences. Cardone uses social media to promote his books and seminars, and he also shares video content with his followers. This helps to create a sense of community among his followers, and it encourages them to share his content with their friends and family.

Additionally, Grant Cardone is a popular speaker and has been a keynote speaker at many conferences and events. He uses his speaking engagements as an opportunity to promote his books and seminars and to connect with his audience. He is able to reach a large and engaged audience through these speaking engagements, which helps to drive viral growth.


Viral marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses and individuals looking to grow their brands and reach a larger audience.

The examples discussed above, Uber, Apple, Red Bull, Gary Vaynerchuk, Mr. Beast, and Grant Cardone, each used different strategies to achieve viral success, but all of them share common elements such as authenticity, high-quality content creation, leveraging social media, and creating a sense of community among their followers. They also showcase different approaches to viral marketing, from leveraging influencer marketing, referral marketing, incentivizing customers, using stunts and challenges, philanthropy, and leveraging speaking engagements to reach a large and engaged audience.

It's important to note that viral marketing success can't be guaranteed, and it's also important for the business or individual to have a clear goal, target audience, and a well-crafted strategy in order to achieve viral success.

Take inspiration from the examples above and create your own successful viral marketing strategy.

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